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Hello! My name is Joe Maronski! I am from Long Island, NY and am a Broadcast Journalism major with a minor in Italian Studies. In my classes, I hope to focus on figuring out how I can apply the content I learn to the real world as a professional. Outside class, I like to focus on volunteering my time and working to create change in society. I serve as the national Walk and Event Emcee for the Immune Deficiency Foundation as well as a Crisis Counselor for a suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth. After HPU, I hope to work for a news network as an anchor of a show on politics, or be a politician someday.

Latest Posts

Final Post- Should You Know Your Online Presence or Be Scared of It?

Extra Post- Can You Work for a Police Department and Be a Good Person?

Week 15 EOTO- Are Whistleblowers Actually Protected?

Week 11- The Role of Free Expression in Social Media

Extra Post- Politics in the Supreme Court

Week 12- The Slow Diffusion of Phones

Week 6 EOTO- The Threat of Deep Fakes

Week 5- The Silence of Antiwar Voices

Week 4- Are Riots Protected by the First Amendment?

Week 3- Post 2: The Balance of False Information Censorship