Week 5- The Silence of Antiwar Voices

Week 5

The Silence of Antiwar Voices

War. A piece of American culture. A piece of world culture. The foundation of all history books. The media conveys the components of war which Americans are interested in. Or are they? Are they truly interested in these pieces? Or have they been forced to become interested due to the lack of coverage of other pieces? Yet when you dig deeper into the internet, a discovery will be made: antiwar. Why is it that these voices have been silenced? Why is it that these voices are not heard on the television? In simple terms, because the government doesn't want them heard. 

Although media networks may be independent, their need for access to the government and officials results in a sort of beggar relationship. While the  government releases what they want, the media covers what the government releases. When media outlets cover stories which call the governments ethics and policies into question, often times these networks become outcasts. A prime example is the relationships between CNN and Fox News with president Trump. Recently, Fox News aired an exclusive sit down town hall with President Trump. Why did CNN not get an exclusive? Because Fox News is a puppet for President Trump while CNN calls out the government and airs stories which are not wanted to be seen by the government. So while networks air what they want or what the government wants, antiwar rhetoric has fallen to the back. 

Democrats and Republicans alike, although differing on specific wars, both agree sometimes wars are necessary. The fact that Antiwar does not fit either sides agenda has caused their voices to be silenced.
Source: Fox News


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